November Global Debt Coordination call - notes

Dear all,

Thank you for participating in the November Global Debt Coordination call. 
For those who could not be there, you can find the notes from the meeting herePlease add any additional information or correction through comments on the google doc.
Taking the inputs from the German coalition updates, it was proposed to have a dedicated call to work on a joint mapping of potentially like-minded governments that may be willing to think of innovations beyond the Common Framework and/or support reforms in debt architecture, and discuss joint advocacy to build a coalition of such like-minded actors. If time permits, we could also discuss interest in joint G7 work. Please express your preference through this Doodle with different options between December 14-23.
Finally, as agreed during the call, we will skip the December meeting and we will reconvene slightly earlier than usual in January. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 18 at 2pm CET. After that, the calls will follow their usual schedule and will take place on the last Tuesday of each month.As usual, we will send an email with the connection details, updated timing and the proposed agenda the week before the next meeting. 
Best wishes,

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