ODA & migration: new submission to the DAC - redline comments by 18 June
Dear all,
As you know, our thematic group on ODA, migration and in-donor refugee costs has been working on a set of recommendations that we plan to submit to the DAC’s Temporary Working Group on ODA eligibility of migration-related activities: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Oy9HCuboZRXuqzrcd4ccSw1ex1QAIfxi/view?usp=sharing (a huge thanks to colleagues from the group!)
Our submission builds on previous CSO contributions to discussions on the DAC’s reporting code on the Facilitation of safe, orderly, regular and responsible migration, and focuses on the key areas the DAC has identified as particularly challenging when defining ODA-eligibility criteria, i.e. addressing the root causes of irregular migration; return and reintegration programmes; countering irregular migration; making financing conditional on migration control outcomes; and engaging with diaspora. It also includes recommendations in terms of reporting and monitoring requirements.
The document is open for ** redline ** comments until Friday 18 June COB.
I will finalise the document on Monday 21 morning (CET), and will then send it back by mid-day on Monday 21 June for CSO endorsement (i.e. logos) by Wednesday 23 June COB.
Please do get in touch if you have any questions,
Very best,