List of Debt Justice listservs
Global Debt coordination email list: it is an open listserv (anyone from the CSOs community can ask for subscription) managed by the DADs (Eurodad, Latindadd, Afrodad, APMDD and Jubilee USA). There's information exchange on policy related to debt, country updates, coordination meetings, tools, campaigns and events. It has worked at least since 2016. Iolanda Fresnillo, Senior Policy and Advocacy Officer at Eurodad, is in charge of managing it. To subscribe, please contact her at [email protected] . Global debt coordination monthly calls: Eurodad has been convening for some years now a monthly call to coordinate actions, share information on policy developments, discuss strategy and advocacy positions /actions, and in general coordinate amongst us. For now the coordination calls, for CSOs only, are taking place the last Tuesday of each month at 14pm CET on Zoom. The next one will take place on Tuesday, February 23 at 2pm CET. The details for participating in the calls are announced in the global debt coordination email list.
Global Action for Debt Cancellation calls and email list: both the coordination calls and email list were created last year for the preparations for the global week of action for debt cancellation by APMDD (and it's managed by them). So far it's been the information sharing and decision making space for the GWA, and it was decided to maintain both the calls and list for coordination and information sharing on further campaigning. To subscribe to the email list contact [email protected]
Eurodad's Knowledge Management Platform. The KMP is an intranet available for Eurodad members and allies. It includes capacity building elements, but it is also a place to exchange information, post campaign material, publish advocacy tools, connect with people and organizations working on similar issues, and find out about relevant events. Last but not least, the KMP is a research hub: as a user of and contributor to the KMP, you can propose content to make sure your latest report or briefing is available to everyone. You can ask for an account and log in here.
Finally, you could subscribe to Eurodad's bi-weekly newsletter to receive all the relevant updates.