Oxfam Learning Series Climate & IMF - Session 4 Climate and Debt

07 December 2021
December 07, 2021 at 2:30pm - 4pm

Dear friends,

We would like to invite you to Oxfam’s final learning session exploring different issues relevant to influencing the IMF on climate and energy issues, linked to issues such as debt and inequality, among others. This will take place on Tuesday December 7th 8:30-10:00am DC (Event details below). Please do join us and share with others in civil society who you think would be interested. Thank you to those who participated in our previous sessions and we hope you have enjoyed them (see video links below in case you missed any!).




Interested in influencing the IMF on climate & energy issues? Oxfam is hosting a four-part learning series directed at civil society and will explore a range of relevant themes throughout the coming months.


 Session 1: May 26th 2021:  IMF and the "macro-critical" issues of climate, inequality and gender (view recording here)


*Session 2: July 1st, 2021: IMF structure and how decisions are made (view recording here) 


Session 3: September 13th, 2021: Breaking down a "Just Transition" (view recording here)


Session 4: December 7th, 2021: Debt and Climate



In this final sessionClimate and Debtwe’ll be discussing the fundamentals of the Debt Sustainability Analysis, the role the IMF plays, why it’s so important and what’s missing, in addition to learning about conditions of debt in specific regions and how they connect to climate justice. We’ll have an informal set up and leave a healthy amount of time for questions and discussion. And we’ll be sure to keep it a lively and informative session where I am sure we will all learn greatly from one another! Do join us and share with others in civil society that you think would be interested. This session is limited to participation from civil society and IFI-watching allies within academia/foundations.


Moderator: Iolanda Fresnillo (Eurodad)

Speakers include Tim Jones (Jubilee Debt UK); Carola Mejía (Latindadd) & Ulrich Volz (SOAS) 


ZOOM LINK FOR SESSION 4 (Registration not required):  https://zoom.us/j/91251930925?pwd=RmFPcXBDQnF2U1VyWnZ5OTlqc09Jdz09

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