Publish What You Fund's DFI Transparency Initiative - Value of Investment: Mobilisation & Structure of Deal

17 May 2021
May 17, 2021 at 4:00pm - 5pm

The DFI Transparency Initiative is working collaboratively with Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) and other stakeholders to increase the transparency of DFIs.

We’re excited to share the findings from our forth work stream on Value of Investment: Mobilisation & Structure of Deal. This work stream assesses the transparency of the way that DFIs structure the financial aspects of their direct investments.

Achieving the sustainable development goals (SDGs) requires a significant increase in the levels of capital flowing to developing countries. Given the scale of the financing gap (estimates are from 1 trillion to 2.5 trillion dollars annually), private sector investment has been posited as an important element in making progress towards the SDGs. DFIs thus represent an important component in scaling up the level of investment in developing countries principally through the mobilisation of private finance.

It is important that DFIs clearly communicate the ways in which they do this. Timely, systematic, and standardised disclosure of financial information would allow DFIs to have a powerful demonstration effect in the markets they work in. This work stream assesses the extent to which DFIs disclose a range of financial information at both the activity and aggregate levels.

The webinar will get into the technical details of transparency around mobilisation and the structure of deals and may not be accessible to all audiences. It will also be accompanied with a working paper detailing the findings, which we will send beforehand to those who have registered for the event.

You can access our webinars from previous work streams including basic project information, impact, and ESG on our landing page.

If you would like to submit any questions before the webinar please use the box in the registration form or email [email protected].

Publish What You Fund is the global campaign for aid and development transparency.


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