The updated version of the fossil-free-ECAs website is now live!

Each year governments provide tens of billions of dollars in financial support to fossil fuel projects via export credit agencies (ECAs). 20 civil society groups from 15 countries have launched a website to shine a spotlight on how ECAs are undermining global climate goals. These organisations are calling on governments around the world to end public financial support for coal, oil and gas projects, including support from ECAs. Ending this support and redirecting financial resources to sustainable alternatives is essential for a just energy transition.

Launched in October 2021, the fossil-free-ECAs website has now been updated! 


Here is what's new:
  • updated asks in light of the upcoming OECD and COP28 meetings
  • updated graphs on laggards and G20 fossil fuel financing
  • many new resources added
  • added new pages: What & Why and ECA Projects
Here is what you can do now:
  • refer OECD negotiators, journalists, NGOs, government officials and others to the website, for the OECD meeting and for general information on ECAs and fossil fuels
  • refer to the website in your communications, for example on social media posts on the OECD Forum
  • share resources with Niels Hazekamp ([email protected]) to add to the website such as a new report, updated figures, news on projects

Let's share our collective message with all those who need to hear it!


Visit the fossil-free ECAs website

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