UPDATE: Review of EIB environmental & social framework just launched - Deadline 09/08

Dear all,

The EIB just launched this morning the review of its Environmental & Social framework – finally !

I'm now sending a heads up to various mailing lists, sorry for crossposting

Please find below a summary of what’s foreseen:

Here’s the consultation website in English: https://consult.eib.org/consultation/essf-2021-en/

The EIB also translated some of the materials in French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

There are 2 key set of documents under revision:

- the new EIB Group Environmental and Social Policy, which lays out the Group’s vision to 2030

- the EIB’s 11 Environmental and Social Standards, which define the requirements that the EIB’s promoters must meet.  There used to be 10 of them, and now they add an extra one on intermediated finance.

In addition, the EIB wants to “hear your views on its approach to human rights and on some cross-cutting themes, such as gender”.

Here’s the calendar:

22/06/2021 – 09/07/2021

Online public consultation meetings   


Deadline for submitting contributions

From 09/08/2021

Publication of all contributions

Q4 2021

Publication of the draft revised Policy and Standards, draft consultation report and EIB reasoned responses to contributions 15 working days before the relevant EIB Board of Directors meeting

Q4 2021

Submission to the EIB Group governing bodies   

Q4 2021

Publication of the revised Policy and Standards, as approved by the EIB Group governing bodies


There’s an open questionnaire for written input by 6 August (see the file attached), and there are drafts of the E&S Policy and the 11 standards available on the website

Here’s the explanatory note that the EIB is publishing as well

And there will be a series of webinars organized, starting pretty soon actually, from 22 June on:


Topic and Access link

June 22

EIB Group Environmental and Social Policy

June 24

Standard 1 - Environmental and/or social Impacts and risks

June 25

Standard 2 - Stakeholder engagement

June 28

Human Rights 

June 29

Standard 3 - Resource efficiency and pollution prevention

June 30

Standard 4 - Biodiversity and ecosystems

July 1

Standard 5 - Climate change

July 2

Standard 6 - Involuntary resettlement

July 5

Standard 7 - Vulnerable groups and Indigenous Peoples

July 6

Standard 8 - Labour rights

July 7

Standard 9 - Occupational and public health, safety and security

July 8

Standard 10 - Cultural heritage

July 9

Standard 11 - Intermediated finance

We’ll come back with a proposal for next steps, starting from a call where we could discuss collectively how to input into the process, analyse the documents, divide tasks, etc

If you could already flag at this stage if you're interested to contribute, and on which angles, this would be helpful

Best wishes


-- Xavier Sol Counter Balance Director Tel. + 32(0)2 893 08 61 Mobile: + 32(0)4 732 238 93 Skype: xavier-sol Address: Counter Balance Mundo-B Building Rue D'Edimbourg 26 1050 Bruxelles Belgium

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