UPDATE: UK Climate & Development Summit + workshop notes
Dear all,
A short update on the Summit.
The policy roundtables are on March 15th and 17th and are open to CSO participation. Has anyone been invited to attend?
Some of the outcomes documents from the February workshops are now public. Below are the links to the ones that I know of:
- Responding to climate impacts; notes: https://www.climatecentre.org/downloads/files/Workshop%20report_Responding%20to%20climate%20impacts_final(1).pdf
- Access to climate finance;
- Quantity and quality of climate finance; and
- Fiscal space and debt sustainability - notes: https://www.e3g.org/news/2021-climate-and-development-agenda-workshops/ - thanks to Iolanda for the link
Please do share the notes from the other workshops if you have them.
Best regards,