Action points & Notes: April Eurodad climate finance WG call - 21st April at 11:00 CEST

Dear colleagues,
Thanks to everyone who joined our working group call today, including those who joined for the first time/ haven't joined in a while! The notes are available here and on the KMP. The action points and points to flag are copied below.  If you joined the call, please add your name to the notes. 
Our next working group call will take place on May 11th at 12:00 CEST. 

Action points

  • Eurodad will draft a letter ahead of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue directed at the UK and Germany - including reflecting on the UK taskforce on climate action note 

  • Eurodad will organise a specific call on debt and climate for May - Leia will send a Doodle for 3rd week of May, after discussing times with colleagues in the Global South

  • For the next call on May 11th, let us know if you are planning to engage in any of the meetings/events for the different policy workstreams of the climate and development ministerial (CDM). The key to determine which events are for which policy stream, is at the bottom of the document.

Points to flag:

  • Ahead of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue (PCD) in May (6th - 7th), please reach out to your national ministries so we can get a better understanding of their positions on the 4 key areas of the CDM, since we didn't really get to hear from developed countries. This will help to build up a picture of who the (possible) champions and laggards are on climate finance amongst European countries. 4 key areas:

  • Access to Finance 

  • Responding to Climate Impacts 

  • Fiscal Space and Debt; 

  • Quantity, Quality and Composition of Climate Finance 

Please also share the Eurodad briefing with your national ministries - currently available in EN and ES. A FR version will be available soon.
​Many thanks for joining, and speak to you on the next call, and via email in between.

Best regards,

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