Publicly Backed Private Finance
Publicly Backed Private Finance | Toolkits
Care Principles and Care Responsiveness Barometer
The architecture of development finance lacks a care perspective despite strong commitments to gender equality goals. The Care Principles and Care-Responsiveness Barometer...
Introducing Fresh-Up Economics
In 2020, Eurodad member "Financial Justice ireland" launched a new online education platform, Fresh-Up Economics, an Erasmus+ adult education project which aims...
A toolkit for advocacy at the World Bank Group
This toolkit aims to support civil society in their advocacy towards the World Bank Group (WBG). In Part 1 and...
A toolkit for advocacy at the United Nations
The United Nations (UN) is a highly complex organisation. It can be difficult for civil society advocates to know where to...
A toolkit for advocacy at the International Monetary Fund
This toolkit aims to support civil society advocacy towards the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In Part 1, it provides an overview...