Covid-19 and the informal economy

By International Centre for Tax and Development.

As the world grapples with the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic, vulnerable workers in the informal sector in the global south have been hit hard. As vendors working in close quarters and or as frontline care-workers in households, many are particularly vulnerable to contracting the virus. A lack of institutionalised sick leave means that for many informal employees, there is an explicit trade-off between their health and their financial survival. While necessary phases of lockdown are threatening livelihoods in the informal economy, government relief efforts are frequently only reaching formal workers and businesses


  • Kate Meagher (Associate Professor in Development Studies, Department of International Development, LSE)
  • Umair Javed (Assistant Professor. Department Of Humanities & Social Sciences, LUMS)
  • Gerard McCarthy (Postdoctoral Fellow at Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore)
  • Rachel Moussie (Deputy Director of Social Protection Programme, WIEGO)
  • Vanessa van den Boogaard (Research Fellow, IDS)
  • Max Gallien (Research Fellow, IDS)

More information here.

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