Debt Wednesday: session 1&2

What is public debt?

Sovereign debt today and debt sustainability

The first session of the Debt Wednesday's training course introduced basic concepts around public debt, its composition and dynamics. Participants were able to better understand how sovereign debt is created and why it is important for sustainable development and people's rights. We also outlined what is the situation of sovereign debt today and introduced key concepts such as debt sustainability.


During the first two sessions, we introduced the basic concepts around public debt, its composition and dynamics. We then moved on to the situation of sovereign debt today and we introduced the key concept of debt sustainability.
You had the opportunity to express what you immediately associate the word "debt" with, and this is the result:

The vast majority of the words have a negative connotation, inequality being the first one, many times linked to oppression and power structures. However, here and there there are a few suggestions for a path forward: reform, moratorium. At the end of the course, we would like to be able to see an increase in the number of such words linked to alternatives. How? By using each webinar to provide basic tools to get to know the debt world, understand it and contribute to a change.

Reading suggestions linked to the topics treated yesterday:

A graphic version's here: download it and save it somewhere you can easily find it!


Some other materials include:

In addition, you can always access the interactive informal recommendations list. We encourage you to use it and add any material that caught your attention and you would like others to see: it could be a podcast, a book, an inspiring article, even a TikTok video could do. Feel free to share it with us.

Presented by:

logos-funders.jpg This webinar is being organised with the financial support of the European Union, Bread for the World, the Open Society Foundations and Avina Americas. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and its partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.


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