Debt Wednesdays: session 7&8

Illegitimate debt and debt audit.

Overview of debt in Asia.

The fourth session of the Debt Wednesday's training course introduced the concepts of illegitimate debt and debt audit. Participants also gave a closer look to the debt situation in Asia.


During the two sessions, we explored the basic concepts around illegitimate debt relief and debt audits. We then moved on to a regional overview of the debt situation in Asia. As usual, at the beginning of the webinar you were tested on an issue related to the topic of the event. This week, you had to choose the one country who had not experienced a debt audit process (yet):

This time, nobody got the correct answer! But don't worry, you can read Eurodad's new briefing to be published next week to find out more about those countries' debt audit experiences.

Reading suggestions:

Download the graphic and save it somewhere you can easily find it! Also available in Spanish and French.

Some other materials include:

In addition, you can always access the interactive informal recommendations list. We encourage you to use it and add any material that caught your attention and you would like others to see: it could be a podcast, a book, an inspiring article, even a TikTok video could do. Feel free to share it with us.

If you missed the previous webinars, there is the possibility to watch the recordings of the event on Eurodad's Youtube channel, in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.

Presented by:

logos-funders.jpg This webinar is being organised with the financial support of the European Union, Bread for the World, the Open Society Foundations and Avina Americas. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Eurodad and its partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of the funders.


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