False Dilemmas: A critical guide to the euro zone crisis

Eurodad's partner Corporate Watch has just published an in-depth guide to the euro zone crisis called False Dilemmas: A critical guide to the euro zone crisis. It covers the why, what and how of the crisis, providing in-depth analysis to get to grips with what really has been happening.

Given the current critical moment, it is a key resource for those with or without lots of knowledge on the euro crisis. It contains useful details to aide campaigns, a lot of embarrassing quotes from officials, and plenty of reasons to push for real debt cancellation. It provides details of what the authorities have done, numerous arguments to debunk austerity, tools for debt resistance, and inspiration from social movements.

With information on all crisis countries, but an emphasis on Greece, it covers:

• How to debunk the common myths about the crisis, and learn about what’s really going on.

• How to counter the arguments about austerity.

• Who profits from the crisis? Who funds the bailouts and why?

Read the full report here