Mobilizations against PPPs in France

Elen Riot, from Attac France,  conducts research on PPPs Elen Riot ([email protected]).

The French audit court released problematic PPP cases

Privatizations of ADP (the National airports company) through a PPP concession wa s finally abandonned last ear. The Government wanted to sell its majority shares and give ADP a long term PPP concession contract. But a new constitutional procedure, that has not ever been used yet, the "shared initiative referendum" was launched. Petitions were signed by more than 1 million citizens, rallying against privatization of airports through PPPs with trade unions and left wing political parties : 

Victory for local communities fighting against PPPs in Marseille, France: Local communities and small businesses rallied together in Marseille to campaign against the privatisation of school infrastructure through PPPs a few years ago. They challenged the political decision on the PPPs to court last year. They finally won the court case a few days ago. Here are some links:

Sign the citizens petition of “Marseilles against the PPPs”

A question on privatization and aid by a French senator:|q362216|q361218|q351939|q351040|q361487|q358605|q352476|q348772|q330076&_s=08017T&rch=qa&de=19780101&au=20191128&dp=1+an&radio=deau&appr=text&aff=sep&tri=dd&off=0&afd=ppr&afd=ppl&afd=pjl&afd=cvn

Ressources sur les PPP en français:

Le Manifeste des PPP:

La partie immergée de l'Iceberg, Une évaluation critique des partenariats public-privé et de leur impact sur le développement durable :

PPP: désamorcer la Bombe à retardement:

Les 10 études de cas:

French Court of Auditors (Cour des comptes) report on “The Ministry of Justice's real estate policy”, December 2017 - cas of the “The new Paris courthouse: a perfect example”: 

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