National campaign in Spain

In October 2019, ODG published its report “Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) as tools for privatisation”; a three-part publication that makes an x-ray of the legal framework of PPP contracts in the Spanish State, in addition to studying in depth the case of infrastructure, healthcare and education, placing us in the global framework, explaining the structural causes of this great push of undercover privatisations of our public services and goods, our commons.

All three reports in English available for download here:


* The legal framework and the case of infrastructure: We put the focus on the lack of a specific regulation for PPP projects in the Spanish State and the bad functioning of the supervisor institution. We also present a case study on the AP7 Mediterranean toll motorway and the legal conflict between Abertis and the Spanish Government.


* The case of healthcare: We put the focus on the impact of the privatization of the Spanish health system, and present the case of the Villalba Hospital (Madrid), a clear example of failed PPP, causing illegitimate, environmental and social debts.

* The case of education: We put the focus on the impact of the privatization of the Spanish education system, and present a case on the school canteens, a clear example that private participation through the PPPs does not translate into greater "efficiency" and "effectiveness", and fails in providing a fair, social and environmentally sustainable service.

October 2019: ODG is in a campaign against a law in the Catalan region that would facilitate privatization through PPPs in services to people, in the field of health, education, social services, among other fields: “Llei Aragonès”

ODG Seminar: 1st February 2020, related to PPPs and Public Procurement

ODG run the "(Real) Global PPP of the Year Awards" Campaign on 4th of June while the PPP Conference 2025 took place in Madrid, organised by Partnerships Bulletin and P3Bulletin, celebrating the "Global PPP of the Year Awards". ODG organized an alternative prize through twitter. 

JOIN THE CAMPAIGN : Please contact [email protected] and [email protected]

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