Reporting ODA as debt relief
Further reports and articles:
- Mismeasuring ODA—How Risky Actually Are Aid Loans? Euan Ritchie, CDG, November 2020
- Measuring ODA: Four Strange Features of the New DAC Debt Relief Rules, Eaun Ritchie – CGD, September 2020
- Debt relief as ODA – why it’s looking bad for aid transparency, Elma Jenkins and Alex Tilley, Publish What you Fund, September 2020.
- Why the DAC’s latest move is bad for global development? Jorge Rivera – ONE, July 2020
- Eurodad response to the DAC’s agreement on reporting debt relief as ODA, Jan Van de Poel, July 2020
- Joint civil society submission to the July 2020 OECD Development Assistance Committee meeting addressing Debt Relief reporting measures, July 2020
- Donor countries will undermine the integrity of aid if they continue reporting debt relief as ODA, Jan Van de Poel, Nerea Craviotto – Eurodad, June 2020
- Will donors finally agree on fair rules for reporting debt relief as ODA? Jan Van de Poel, Nerea Craviotto – Eurodad, May 2020
- Reporting debt relief as ODA: civil society shut out, bad rules to be locked in? Polly Meeks – Eurodad, November 2018