Runaway Taxes: Who pays taxes in CEE region?

Authors: Za Zemiata, Glopolis, DemNet, Lapas, IGO & Ekvilib Institut.

A 2017 report on corporate taxation in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland, Latvia, Bulgaria and Hungary reveals why revenues from corporations in those countries are so low.

"Runaway taxes – who pays tax in Central and Eastern Europe?” is a joint report of six NGOs from Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) which was prepared under the lead of Finance Uncovered.








The report shows that most of the CEE countries analysed in the report are affected by the race to the bottom. Reduced tax rates, tax incentives or bonuses for foreign investors did not lead to higher tax revenues, contrary to the expectations and incentives for these same measures initially. In fact, in most CEE countries tax benefits for the big companies and wealthy individuals did not prevent them from shifting profits to tax havens. Overall the findings of the report suggest that tax competition in these countries transferred larger part of the tax burden on the shoulders of (taxpaying) citizens. Their share of direct tax in total tax revenue is often higher than the share of companies.

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