Second gender lunch: GAP3: A missed opportunity to advance gender and economic justice?

Speakers: Alexandra Rosen (Policy and Advocacy Coordinator, CONCORD), Isabelle Brachet (Senior EU Advocacy Advisor, ActionAid), Cecilia Gondard (Eurodad, moderator)

This second gender lunch will allow Eurodad members and allies to learn about the EU priorities on gender equality in the Global South and to discuss the GAP3 process and figure out how it can be connected to Eurodad’s issue-areas.

Questions addressed:

  • What is the GAP? What have been the learnings from GAP 2? - What are the current priorities for CSOs around the GAP 3? Including CONCORD’s demands.
  • Why is the GAP 3 relevant for Eurodad’s work?
  • How can we use GAP 3 to push for policy coherence for development and address the harmful impact of EU and Member States policies on women and gender minorities rights in the Global South? How GAP 3 can be used to push for effective impact assessments of EU and Member State policies on these matters in the Global South?
  • Which opportunities bring the GAP 3 to develop gender sensitive and responsive climate policies and measures for EU MS and non-EU MS to pursue?
  • Does the GAP 3 bring opportunities for our allies in the Global South to make the EU more accountable for its commitment to gender equality and women and gender minorities rights?

Alexandra's presentation (CONCORD) is available here.

Isabella's presentation (ActionAid) is available here.

Some resources on GAP 3:


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