VACCINES AGREEMENT: Final statement with CSOs reaction

Dear colleagues, 

*** Apologies for cross-posting ***


With many thanks to the organisations that supported this statement, please, find enclosed the final version with the lists of CSOs supporting and logos – with 33 CSOs supporting it. I want to thank to colleagues in the DAC-CSO RG taskforce on Covid-19 + ODA for their inputs and contributions and for bearing with me throughout this finalised piece that integrates latest updates since we received the news last Friday evening that there was no agreement – these changes are integrated in this version. Our main message being for donors to completely abandon their plans to report the excess of vaccine donations to their ODA. More work will follow with the release of ODA data in April – please, let me know if your CSOs would like to more closely follow these discussion so I can include you.


Please, feel free to disseminate this statement to media contacts in your national context, your contacts in the governments, etc. This morning the statement has been shared with the Chair of the DAC, the Chair and co-Chairs of the WP STAT, the DAC Delegates and the Secretariat, I will keep you posted if I receive any feedback. 


For those that prefer to disseminate a link, here you can find the CSOs statement:


Kind regards,



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