EU Development Finance
EU Development Finance | Campaign Material
European Investment Bank creates a "development branch"
The European Investment Bank has announced the creation of a "development branch." Eurodad and its partners have been calling for...
International development and the EU budget
This briefing has been endorsed by Eurodad, ActionAid EU, Aidsfonds, Act Alliance EU, Alliance 2015, Brot für die Welt, Care...
Joint CSO Letter on the EIB Climate Bank Roadmap
The dual crises of Covid-19 and climate change represent an opportunity for the European Investment Bank (EIB) to become the...
Letter to the European Council on EU Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027 and Next Generation EU 2021-2024
The Next Generation EU fund offers a step in the right direction, however it must work to strengthen climate and...
NGO Statement: European Green Deal must strengthen partner countries’ recovery from the Covid-19 crisis
Today, Eurodad, along with 15 other civil society organisations, released a joint statement calling for the European Union to pursue...
NGO letter to EIB President on Covid-19 crisis response
NGOs call on EIB President to put climate at the heart of recovery package A copy of the letter can...
Open letter to the Dutch government: a global call to vote against CETA for trade justice
Over 70 organisations worldwide have signed an open letter to call upon the Dutch government to vote against CETA -...
Eurodad Submission to the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development
On 4-6 November 2019, the UNCTAD Intergovernmental Group of Experts on Financing for Development met in Geneva to continue discussions...
CSOs call for a clear development commitment in the next EU budget negotiations
The next EU budget (2021-2027) is under negotiation. In April the European Parliament confirmed its stand on the Neighbourhood, Development and International...