EU Development Finance
EU Development Finance | Updates
Members’ update from Eurodad’s Development Finance and Debt Justice teams - April 2024
In this update, you can find a list of key policy updates and advocacy opportunities in the area of debt...
Members’ Update from Eurodad’s Development Finance team - July 2023
In this July 2023 update from Eurodad's development finance team you'll find some useful resources to inform your work and a list...

Eurodad's Policy Forum 2023 - Rewatch the panel discussions
On 13-14 June Eurodad’s Policy Forum 2023 "Building an economy for people and the planet" took place in Brussels. It was...
Eurodad members update on development finance - December 2022
This update offers a summary of recent policy developments in the area of development finance and Eurodad-led activities at the European...
2022 EU Investing in Sustainable Development Report - a review by Bodo Ellmers
With some delay, the European Commission has published the new "Investing in Sustainable Development Report". A few years ago, the...
Eurodad members update on development finance and debt justice - April 2022
This update offers a summary of the key advocacy opportunities in the area of debt and development finance, a list...
Banking on development? The rise of the EIB as a development bank
On 1 January a new development branch of the European Investment Bank (EIB) went into operation. This was approved by...
Members' update from the development finance team - December 2021
In this update, we provide key highlights of the issues covered by the Eurodad Development Finance team, namely aid effectiveness,...
EU Global Gateway Strategy
Hi everyone, The Commission put out a communication on the Global Gateway strategy last week which foresees a central role...
Clear summary of outcomes of "EU development bank" discussions
Dear all, You may find interesting the article below, from the development think tank ECDPM. It summarises what happened with...
ITUC reaction to the HLPF Ministerial Declaration
Massobrio, Giulia <[email protected]> Tue, 20 Jul, 17:07 to [email protected] Dear all, I hope this email finds you well, I...
Clear summary of outcomes of "EU development bank" discussions
You may find interesting the article below, from the development think tank ECDPM. It summarises what happened with the discussion...
Eurodad members' update on development finance - June 2021
Please find here a members' update from Eurodad's development finance team.
Last guarantees under EFSD signed
The last 10 guarantee agreements under EFSD have been signed.
A new European Commission: What are the implications for Development Finance in the next five years?
The policy agenda of the next European Commission took shape this week with the announcement of the new Commissioners. But...
The problem with Public-Private Partnerships and the role of the EU
Public-Private Partnerships are a deeply worrying trend and carry far more risk for the state than for the private companies...