Tax Justice
Tax Justice | Reports and Briefings
Internal briefing - "Big Fossil Fuels is cashing in on war – can windfall profit taxes serve up justice?"
While the cost of living is rising globally and companies like Shell and BP are still making massive amounts of...
Bulgarian big business relieved of tax burden
A new report by the environmental association Za Zemiata / FoE Bulgaria finds that the top ten biggest companies are...
Framing Feminist Taxation Vol. 2
The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)’s Tax and Gender Working Group, together with ActionAid International, Akina Mama wa Afrika...
Will there be a boom in imports of used diesel cars from Western Europe?
In Europe, 21% of greenhouse gas emissions are due to transport, and road transport accounts for more than 70% of...
Gendered Austerity in the COVID-19 Era: A Survey of Fiscal Consolidation in Ecuador and Pakistan
Published in 2022 by Third World Network
Secrets and Fries: McDonald’s £295 million tax dodge
A new report ‘Secrets and Fries’ from War on Want and the Centre for International Corporate Tax Accountability and Research...
ORPEA: Prendre Soin Des Personnes Ou Soigner Ses Profits?
CICTAR has worked with France’s two largest unions Fédération CFDT Santé-Sociaux and Fédération Santé Action Sociale CGT, to develop our...
UN DESA World Economic Situation and Prospects 2022
The global economic recovery is facing significant headwinds amid new waves of COVID-19 infections, persistent labour market challenges, lingering supply-chain...
Expensive packaging
Bulgarians pay more than other Europeans for waste management while receiving unsatisfactory results, including in terms of recycling. With the...
Streamlining the Architecture of International Tax through a UN Framework Convention on Tax Cooperation
The architecture of international taxation at present is fragmented among multiple institutions. The UN Tax Committee, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework...
Atlas of Vulnerability: Developing Countries and the Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic impacts developing countries worse than developed countries. When we look at the big picture, we see that...
Cultivating Fiscal Inequality: The Socfin Report
This report on the tax strategy of the agribusiness corporation Socfin reveals how multinational companies can shift profits from countries where...
Under the influence: Is France’s EU Presidency already captured by corporate interests?
In January France will take over the Presidency of the EU Council for six months. But the way the Presidency...
EU tax observatory report on pCbCR from banks
The EU tax observatory shared today a new study on tax avoidance by European banks, using the data from public CbCR : One of the...
Global Income Inequality, 1820-2020
In this paper, Lucas Chancel and Thomas Piketty mobilize newly available historical series from the World Inequality Database to construct world income distribution...
Framing Feminist Taxation: Making Taxes Work for Women
New publication provides guidance and recommendations for policy-making and advocacy that can influence and change our current economic and tax...
Keep watching: The tax avoidance structures of ViacomCBS
ViacomCBS, a self-described “fundamental content company”, reaches about 700 million consumers in more than 180 countries around the world with...
A Global Tax Plan for a Global Pandemic
A new report - A Global Tax Plan for a Global Pandemic - has shown how Biden’s tax plan combined...
Mission Recovery: How Big Tech’s Tax Bill could kickstart a fairer economy
Today ActionAid released a report which estimates that G20 countries are facing a potential gap of US$32bn in annual tax...
Kenya-United States Free Trade Agreement: Lessons from the United States, Mexico and Canada Agreement
Econews Africa undertook a study on the proposed Kenya-United States Free Trade Agreement in January. Here please find a write-up...
Global austerity alert: Looming budget cuts in 2021-25 and alternative pathways
The Global Austerity Alert is published by ITUC, Public Services International, Bretton Woods Project, Third World Network, Arab Watch Coalition...
Towards a People's Recovery: Tracking Fiscal and Social Protection Responses to Covid-19 in the Global South
The vast majority of Covid-19 recovery funds have gone to big corporations instead of toward welfare, small firms, or those...
Eurodad Strategic Plan
Eurodad's Strategic Plan sets ambitious goals to help achieve: tax justice to stem the loss of resources in developing countries; ending debt crises...
Taxation and gender: why does it matter?
By Tax Justice Network Africa.
The Scale of Injustice
Below mentioned resources and further blogs and updates are available on Tax Justice Network Website
A Climate of Fairness Environmental Taxation and Tax Justice in Developing Countries
This report by the Vienna Institute for International Dialogue and Cooperation aims to address this potential conflict and to consider the...
Substantive gender equality - what does it mean for economic policy after COVID?
Just wanted to flag a recent brief we at CESR published with IWRAW-AP, looking at how the human rights norm...
An intergovernmental UN tax commission – why we need it and how we can get it
The Group of 77 (G77) – representing more than 130 developing countries – has repeatedly proposed the establishment of an...
EU country by country reporting
Every year, corporate tax avoidance costs countries around the world an estimated US$ 500 billion. Click here to find the...
Beneficial ownership transparency in the European Union
In 2016, in response to the tax scandal known as the ‘Panama Papers’, the European Commission put forward a proposal...
Tax ‘sweetheart deals’ between multinationals and EU countries at record high
Over the last few years, advance pricing agreements (APAs) – also known as ‘comfort letters’ or ‘sweetheart deals’ – have...
Tax Games - the Race to the Bottom
European governments are leading a race to the bottom which will see average global corporate tax rates hit zero by...
From tax secrecy to tax transparency: Introducing public country-by-country reporting (CBCR) that is fit for purpose
Eurodad, Oxfam, Transparency International and EPSU released an updated document on public country-by-country reporting following the outcome of the vote...

Runaway Taxes: Who pays taxes in CEE region?
Authors: Za Zemiata, Glopolis, DemNet, Lapas, IGO & Ekvilib Institut. A 2017 report on corporate taxation in Czech Republic, Slovenia, Poland,...
Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporate Income Tax
Eurodad's partner Tax Justice Network has just published a report entitled Ten Reasons to Defend the Corporation Tax. This report outlines ten reasons...
Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond
Eurodad’s member Oxfam International has published a new briefing titled Pulling the plug: how to stop corporate tax dodging in Europe and beyond....
La ilusión fiscal: Demasiadas sombras en la fiscalidad de las grandes empresas
This new report by Spanish Eurodad member Intermón Oxfam titled "La ilusión fiscal" states how IBEX35 companies increased their presence in tax...
What are the biggest French banks doing in tax havens?
The report “What are the biggest French banks doing in tax havens?” / “Que font les plus grandes banques françaises dans...
Information for the Nations
In a new report written by Eurodad member Christian Aid and endorsed by 18 other civil society organisations, the flaws in the current...
Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More
Eurodad's member Oxfam has published a research paper titled Wealth: Having It All and Wanting More, which shows that the combined wealth of...