Gender Justice
Gender Justice | Reports and Briefings
Briefing: "Gender-responsive climate finance: The key to just climate action and tackling inequalities"
New expert paper looks at the gendered impacts of national and personal debt on a woman's ability to implement climate measures,...
Framing Feminist Taxation Vol. 2
The Global Alliance for Tax Justice (GATJ)’s Tax and Gender Working Group, together with ActionAid International, Akina Mama wa Afrika...
Gendered Austerity in the COVID-19 Era: A Survey of Fiscal Consolidation in Ecuador and Pakistan
Published in 2022 by Third World Network
Development Finance for Gender-Responsive Climate Action
This paper provides an overview of how members of the OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) are integrating gender equality and climate action...
It’s time to decolonise our multilateral system for climate justice
A very inspiring article by Priya Lukka, Esther Stanford-Xosei and Bhumika Muchhala
Beyond COVID-19: A feminist plan for sustainability and social justice
As the world learns to live with COVID-19, to emerge from the current crisis, and to “build back better”, UN...
New BWP report: The World Bank’s macroeconomic policies and women’s rights
Written by Ella Hopkins - with a collaborative effort between the Bretton Woods Project, the Gender and Development Network (GADN), International Women’s...
Feminist principles: the private sector and multilateralism
The Feminist Economic Justice for People & Planet Action Nexus is led by four key partners - who also serve as...
A feminist and decolonial global Green New Deal: principles, paradigms, and systemic transformations
The Feminist Economic Justice for People & Planet Action Nexus is led by four key partners - who also serve...
A Feminist Agenda for People and Planet: Principles and Recommendations for a Global Feminist Economic Justice Agenda
The Feminist Economic Justice for People & Planet Action Nexus is led by four key partners—who also serve as co-leads...
Framing Feminist Taxation: Making Taxes Work for Women
New publication provides guidance and recommendations for policy-making and advocacy that can influence and change our current economic and tax...
Covid-19: A feminist perspective
In this two-part blog to mark International Women's Day, Eurodad experts explore the impact of the pandemic from a feminist...
Eurodad Strategic Plan
Eurodad's Strategic Plan sets ambitious goals to help achieve: tax justice to stem the loss of resources in developing countries; ending debt crises...
Keeping the IMF accountable to women’s rights and gender equality at the national level
By the Bretton Woods Project.
Taxation and gender: why does it matter?
By Tax Justice Network Africa.
Realising women's rights: the role of public debt in Africa
By Gender And Development Network and Jubilee Debt Campaign.
Gender and Climate Finance
Climate Finance Fundamentals Briefing by Liane Schalatek, Heinrich Böll Stiftung North America, and Smita Nakhooda, Overseas Development Institute.
Care debt: patriarchy and capital on the offensive, feminist economics as a proposal
Published by Debt Observatory in Globalisation (ODG)
World Bank and IMF response to debt crisis undermines women’s rights
Analysis by Eurodad and Latindadd.
Una nueva crisis de deuda amenaza los derechos de las mujeres
El elevado nivel de endeudamiento y los crecientes pagos de deuda en muchos países del Sur está esquilmando los recursos...
FEMNET - Rekindling the Beijing Fire of Revolution: Africa Beijing+25 Parallel Report
Report by FEMNET, the Africa Women's Development and Communication Network.
The impact of PPPs on gender equality and women's rights
As public-private partnerships (PPPs) are increasingly promoted, concerns about their impact are rising.
Are they really gender equality projects?
An examination of donors’ gender-mainstreamed and gender-equality focused projects to assess the quality of gender-marked projects.
By Oxfam.
Debt and gender equality: How debt-servicing conditions harm women in Africa
by Dinah Musindarwezo (Womankind Worldwide) and Tim Jones (Jubilee Debt Campaign UK)
¿Pueden las Asociaciones Público-Privadas promover la igualdad de género?
Las Asociaciones Público-Privadas (APP) vienen siendo activamente impulsadas por los gobiernos donantes y las instituciones financieras internacionales para financiar servicios...
Can public-private partnerships deliver gender equality?
Support for PPPs runs counter to governments’ commitments to promote gender equality and the fulfilment of women’s rights under Agenda...
The IMF and Gender Equality: Operationalising Change
By the Bretton Woods Project. This work is part of the Gender Equality and Macroeconomics (GEM) project, a collaborative effort...
Realising women's rights: the role of public debt in Africa
Briefing by Femnet and the Gender and Development Network.